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Dear Colleagues,
It is my pleasure to invite all colleagues interested in the dosimetry of ionising radiation to the EURADOS Annual Meeting 2018 (AM2018), which will take place from 5th to 8th February 2018 at the Centre of Congress of the Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) in Lisbon, Portugal.
As in previous years, the Annual Meeting will include official EURADOS events (General Assembly, Council Meeting) and meetings of all EURADOS Working Groups. To support the EURADOS commitment to education and training, the 11th EURADOS Winter School on “Application of physical and computational phantoms in dose assessment” will also be an essential part of AM2018. The programme will be completed by the IC2017n participants meeting and by a meeting of the Learning Network founded at the last Annual Meeting. Finally, the conference dinner will provide further opportunities for discussion, exchange of opinions, and networking.
We hope having assembled an attractive programme which tightens existing and supports new contacts, stimulates lively discussions, and fosters the development of innovative scientific ideas.
More information on the following link.
I am looking forward to welcome you in Lisbon!
Werner Rühm
Chairperson EURADOS